Embrace You

By Donna Bond

As we reflect over the last year looking at our many blessings, our accomplishments, our experiences of growth and our learnings, we acknowledge ourselves for making it through another year. Perhaps we ended 2016 in a different and better place than where it began. Perhaps we are looking forward to another clean slate as we embark on 2017.

In numerology the 2017 year is a one. One is about independence, it’s about leadership. It’s about transformation and blazing anew trail. It’s about letting your individualization shine, bloom and blossom. It’s about new ideas. New expansions. New discoveries. Its energy brings originality, new beginnings and new initiatives. Doing whatever feels right for you. It’s about taking a pass on the crowd, about looking past what the Joneses are up to and stepping forward into who you truly are – regardless of what anyone else has to say about it.

2017 is about letting your own light shine. About taking a stand for what you believe in, about speaking your truth. It’s about Embracing You. Your skills, your talents, your beliefs, your perspective, your viewpoint. Assessing your assets and opportunities for growth. It’s about owning your own shit. It’s about taking responsibility for yourself.


What Does It Really Mean to Embrace You?

I liken this to being in a relationship with a beloved. When we are in love, our beloved can do no wrong. We open our arms with unconditional loving and acceptance for all the things we prefer and don’t prefer. We listen attentively with an open heart and easily find ourselves offering compassion and reassurance in all situations. We are gentle with our beloved. We pay attention to the silent waves of communication that are under the surface and we intuit these as if they are written with a big magic marker on a poster board. We are patient. We are forgiving. We don’t judge. We are One with our beloved.

Is it possible to embrace ourselves in this way? To activate, cultivate and sustain a loving and supportive relationship with ourselves? To move toward and into the Oneness and to do this by first coming into alignment with ourselves?

Make this one commitment in this new year. Call it a resolution or an intention or a goal. But, make this one commitment. Embrace You.

As we move into a more nurturing, loving and supportive relationship with ourselves we call forward a personal power that is ready to express itself. This personal power that knows we are all one. We are all connected. The creator within each one of us wants to shine a light on that connection. As we take care of ourselves, we position ourselves to be more loving, nurturing and selfless towards others – as we will have first sustained our own needs. In the energy of the one year we want our focus to be on self-honoring and not self-ish.

Embrace You opens your capacity to share with, nurture and serve others. It leaves us open, empathetic and eager to make a difference in the lives of others while inviting joy, ease and grace into our own life.

Embrace You means keeping commitments to yourself, listening to the still small voice, taking time out for self-care, honoring practices of self-love such as meditation or a daily Spiritual practice. It means keeping your word, speaking your voice, honoring your truth AND the truth of those around you. It means being honest with yourself about what your truth is. And then demonstrating the heartfelt courage to stand forward in that truth. Embrace You means making and keeping time for yourself. Embrace You is about smelling the roses and feeling the flutter of whatever is rising up within you that wants and needs to be expressed, and courageously expressing it.

As a Transformation Consultant, Spiritual Teacher and Soulful Speaker, Donna offers inspiring workshops and transformative in-depth coaching programs that help businesses and clients achieve new heights of meaningful success, personal fulfillment and Spiritual aliveness. An expert in self-discovery, empowerment, and conscious evolution, for almost three decades, Donna has had many achievements on the “Goal Line” of life, with 28 years as a hospitality business executive, working her way up to VP of Sales & Marketing with Sunstone Hotels. In 2013 after winning the Western Regional Marketing Achievement Award for the third year in a row with The Ritz-Carlton, Hotel Company, she made a decision that she wanted her energy, time and ultimately her life, to have deeper meaning and fulfillment for herself and those around her. In 2014 she decided to dedicate the rest of her time on the planet to a purpose-driven business with the goal of raising the vibration on the planet. Since 2009, Donna has been the visioning force behind award-winning oil painter Paul Bond, helping him realize his dreams, accelerate results and create a richer, more fulfilling life. A lifetime Spiritual seeker in pursuit of her own self-discovery, Donna lives an empowered existence on her continued path of Spiritual evolution. She holds a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing from the University of Santa Monica and a Coaching Certification from the Life Mastery Institute. Donna's mission is to teach individuals and businesses how to see their world from the soul’s perspective resulting in a rich, joyful and fulfilling life.

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