Choosing Magic

By Donna Bond

Do we want to live a meaningless life filled with happenstance and coincidence or do we want to live a life filled with magic? It really is a choice. It’s actually a perspective.

For so long I questioned what is real? What is true? I’ve come to realize in this existence, in which we do create our own reality, I get to choose what is true for me. And that’s all that really matters. And I choose magic.

The presence of magic is everywhere really. Magic is how the ocean can change colors from one day to the next and magic is in the giggle of a little girl. Magic is hearing the wings of a hummingbird zoom by and seeing him wink as he goes. Magic is the warm buttery goodness of a syrupy hotcake melting in my watering mouth.Magic Donna Bond

It’s magic when all the pieces come together. When life’s beauty unfolds right before my very eyes in a way I couldn’t have planned and didn’t expect. Magic is when I took the time to stop for a moment, take a breath and I notice the most beautiful flower that’s been sitting in a spot I never noticed before.

Magic is when I lock eyes with a newborn and I get a healing just by experiencing the life force coming through the eyes of that child. Magic is trailing butterflies and whiskers on kittens. Magic is when I hear Yes and when I hear No. Magic is the first kiss and the last guy. It’s a brother and sister holding hands and it’s magic when the universe puts on a show that takes my breath away. When the silver sliver of the crescent moon is hung perfectly out the picture window in my guest room, this is magic

Magic is in my fingers and in my mind. It’s everywhere. It’s just waiting for me to see it. Magic is always there. Magic is the breath that expands my lungs and magic beats my heart. It’s the auto lenses in my eyes and the fine little tiny hairs that can stand up on the back of my neck when I feel truth running through me. Truth running through me, now that’s magic. Magic is an eyelash. Delight is magic, love is magic and wonder is magic. Leaves crackling under my feet on a walk, trees swishing their leaves, sun sparkling, it’s all magic.

When I press my forehead against my lover’s and we connect, it’s magic. When time stands still or my heart skips a beat or I can feel the rush of life’s energy surging through my body that is magic. When someone I love is upset and I can be clear and grounded and talk them off the ceiling that too is magic. When gratitude outpours from every cell in my body and my heart erupts with joy and love, this is magic. When I make a discovery about myself, it’s pure magic. Magic is the warm gooey presence of this thing called life that is all around me. Magic is you. Magic is me. What’s your magic?

Donna BondAbout Donna BondAs a Transformation Consultant, Soul-Centered Facilitator and Personal Development Coach, Donna Bond helps others to design and manifest a life that’s in harmony with each’s Soul’s purpose.

For almost three decades, Donna has had many achievements on the “Goal Line” of life, working her way up through the hotel business to VP of Marketing with Sunstone Hospitality. After winning the Western Regional Marketing Achievement Award for the third year in a row with The Ritz-Carlton, Hotel Company, she had an awakening that she wanted her energy, time and ultimately her life to have greater meaning and fulfillment for not only herself, but for those around her. She created many changes in her life to allow her time going forward dedicated to working on the “Soul Line” of life. Her personal “why” is raising the vibration on the planet.

For over five years Donna Bond has been the driving force behind award-winning oil painter Paul Bond. Helping him build his dreams, accelerate results and create a richer, more fulfilling life and prosperous art career. Now, with a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica and studying personal transformation under many great Spiritual teachers, it is a natural shift for Donna to dedicate her life to being a difference maker in human potential.

As a sought-after life coach and professional speaker, Donna offers inspiring workshops and transformational coaching programs that help clients achieve new heights of meaningful success, personal fulfillment and spiritual aliveness. (